Preparing for Your Wax

For your first wax, allow your hair to grow 2-4 weeks after shaving before your first appointment. Depending on how fast your hair grows, it could take two to four weeks. Waxing is best when your hair is a quarter of an inch long or as long as a grain of rice. 

Never shave or tweeze between your waxing appointments. This throws off your hair growth pattern, and you will never have the smooth skin you want.

Never use lotion or body oils on the day of your waxing. These products will interfere with your waxing service as the wax will have trouble sticking to the skin. 

Exfoliate! Always exfoliate on the day of your waxing appointment. However, do not exfoliate to the point where your skin is sore. Instead, it’s recommended that you use an exfoliating mitt in the shower on a daily bases. Dead skin buildup will not allow the hair to pop through. 

If you have or have ever had a problem with bumping (it looks like a breakout, but it’s your follicles reacting to your waxing), bring a tube of Polysporin to your waxing appointment and apply immediately. Continue using as long as the bumps remain. If this happens, it can last up to 2 weeks. However, never fear; after a few waxings, this will stop happening.

If you are nervous about your waxing hurting, pain medication like ibuprofen may help! Please also know that nerves are normal, and I am here to help make your waxing experience the most comfortable and soothing!

If you have ANY questions whatsoever, please feel free to contact me. I can’t wait to see you soon!